Week 8

Changes Lifestyle and Diet RealTime
Baby Development &
Upcoming Choices to make
Hormones peaking soon.
You may feel a combination of the following:
Breast tenderness
Appetite changes
You may be having morning sickness and spotting.You feel bloated as you retain water and your gut motility and transit time slows. This is normal.
You feel slow and tired. You want to snooze more frequently. This is normal. The pregnancy is slowing you down so you concentrate on baby.
You may need to get new bras as the breasts engorge.
Diet Supplements-pop up
Your baby is starting to look more human. It is nearly 2cm long now.

Your baby is constantly moving, though you can’t feel it.

You start thinking about important prenatal assessment such as:
Routine antenatal assessment
Down syndrome risk options
Pregnancy Risk Assessment

Early Pregnancy Scan
1. Locate – 1-2% of pregnancies will implant outside the womb causing an ectopic pregnancy. This is potentially life threatening.
2. Twins: 1-2% of all pregnancies are twins.
3. Heart beat can be confirmed. 1 in 3 pregnancies will not progress.
4. Ovarian cysts: 1% of pregnancies have ovarian cysts.The pregnancy sac and heart beat should be confirmed by abdominal scan.